Scawen, Where will I can see on error log in Windows 7?(86 bit)
I have am lag display! The display off on 1-2 sec and off module from this Nvidia, but then restores its work. So was in 0.6B version LFS.
Display - LG T711B
Video card - GeForce Nvidia GTS 250
Video card driver - last version
Driver Name: Aleksandr Novokreschenov Driver Nationality: Russia Car: FXO Car #: 38 Car Colors: green, white and grey Sponsor's: SpeedServer
Driver Info(DOB, Job, Experience ect.): Date of birth: 11th July 1991 Occupation: job - a Transporter Controller: Logitech MOMO Experience: I was demo driver with 23rd April 2009 of 15th July 2010. I organized the championship on hot lap among Russians and was great.
I love hot lap, but last time this interest my lost. (small info ) Now I will be want to active in ONLINE ^___^ Real car: Opel Ascona C 1985 year, the old German lady)) 90h.p.